In a groundbreaking move to address the importance of mental health within the entertainment industry, renowned Nigerian rapper, songwriter, producer, and CEO of TASCK, Jude Abaga, popularly known as M.I Abaga, is set to lead a compelling panel discussion on the second day of the Incredible Music Festival.
The discussion centered on Mental Health: Navigating Mental Health Challenges in The Creative Community is a significant step toward fostering awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by artists and industry professionals.
With an illustrious career in the music scene, M.I Abaga has not only been a powerhouse in the Nigerian music industry but is now championing a cause that is often overlooked. This is because per WHO, the likelihood of a mental health problem in the creative industry is three times that of the general population. The most commonly diagnosed disorders were anxiety (36%) and depression (32%).
“I believe that conversations like this will help in addressing the mental health status of creatives in Nigeria, Africa, and the world in general. We must pay utmost attention to the state of our mental health, because from there springs off the strength and energy to lead for a change in Africa”, Abaga said.
The panel discussion which has experts such as Philip Dimka, a Member of the American Psychological Association (APA), Odinaka Kingsley 0., BMLS AMLSON, and Jonathan Makama, a Broadcast Journalist aims to shed light on the mental health struggles within the entertainment industry, providing a platform for open conversations, destigmatization, and support for those facing such challenges. Attendees can expect a thoughtful exploration of the unique stressors that musicians, producers, and other professionals encounter in their careers.
The Incredible Music Festival, known for its diverse lineup and innovative programming, is breaking new ground by dedicating a segment of its second day to mental health awareness. Festival-goers will have the opportunity to gain insights into the psychological well-being of their favorite artists and the broader industry.
Jude Abaga, with his influence and experience, is expected to lead the discussion with expertise and empathy, addressing the multifaceted aspects of mental health in the music world.
Fans and followers of M.I Abaga, as well as those attending the Incredible Music Festival, are eagerly anticipating this unique and important event. By bringing mental health into the spotlight, the festival organizers and M.I Abaga hope to contribute to a broader conversation surrounding mental health in the entertainment industry.
As the Incredible Music Festival continues to evolve and set new standards, this mental health panel is poised to become a pivotal moment in the ongoing dialogue about the well-being of those who contribute to the vibrant world of music.
Interested attendees are to click here to register for the panel discussion.